Arch Magos stood on the balcony overlooking the courtyard of the third vestibule for lesser forge gate number three. He was here to greet a delegation of the Echelsiarchy, The most holy Deacon Augustulus.
The Deacon thought he was here to discipline the arch magos, but no one disciplines an arch magos in his own forge.
The duumvirate had sent notes to his forge when the flow of tribute began to slow, curious as to why this might be.
When the trubute of manufactured goods stopped altogether the demands become strident and even insulting which had led to this, the most outrageous sleight of all: A Deacon of the false omnisiah, standing as if he had any right to in this holy place, making demands of his Forge.
The most vexing aspect of this interruption was that the machine that he'd been working on an secret for months was ready. He had only had to do was switch it on and prototype would comence its operation it would begin to produce a material wealth not seen in the Forge for many months. All the machine needed to function was a small amount of raw material to function, a few common earths mixed in with an incantation, plus a sprinkling of powdered soul.
For many months now, the more exotic materials had been quietly harvested from the helots of other forges, a small price to pay to restore the wealth and power that were the due of his forge.
The Deacon stood surrounded by his retinue in what he undoubtedly thought was an intimidating pose. to his left stood Sister superior Shira, Palatine of he Ark Angels, resplendent in here full battle plate. Behind the Deacon drawn up in battle array stood ranks of sisters of battle, proud adaptus sororitas, committed devotees of the false emperor.
Two bearers came forward with a great scroll held before them. A third servitor, used its Maniples to unroll the great scroll to the appointed place.
The deacon stood before the scroll and began to read:
"by order of the Duumvirate the most holy Govenor X and Arch Magos Y rulers most justly and rightly appointed by the god emperor of the Demesne of Vanadian. Arch Magos Amun is reqested and required to Open his forge to the just and righteous inspection by Deacon Augustulus of His Holy Church.
This Comands the Lords of the Duumvirate in the Name of Him on Terra,

Silence fell over the inner bailey, High over the courtyard perched Sister Superior Sabine Sabbat.
Arrayed about her were her battle sisters, members of the holy order archangels they were silent but for the whine of the suspensor which allowed them to carry the massive heavy Bolters, typical armament of the Retrobutor squad she commanded.
Sabat and her squad had dismounted one block back and made their way to their current vantage point through the plasterboard interior walls of the jab block behind this one. Sabat now saw the wisdom of the move. While her eyes gave her an in paralleled view of the courtyard below, the prey sight of her 'Sabat' pattern helm showed her so much more.
Behind the wall of the reception courtyard the palatine stood in, Sabat could see several war machines. Prey sight painting them in blood red, power levels were spiking as servos warmed and guns were cycling through arising rituals.
With a thought, Sabat clicked open a channel to Palatine Shira. And sole the code word "Goge".
The Palatines response was equally brief: "Fire"